
Travis Mash has spent decades studying the barbell. He is one of the few people - if not the only one - to bridge the worlds of powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, and athletic strength and conditioning. Travis was a World Champion and World Record Holder in powerlifting. He competed in a world-class level in Olympic weightlifting.
He has coached professional Olympic weightlifters alongside Don McCauley and Glenn Pendlay at Team MDUSA and now coaches the most successful weightlifting team in America, Team Mash Elite. He has coached 8-year-olds, high school athletes landing D-1 scholarships, NFL players, NBA athletes, elite powerlifters, average Joes wanting to get in shape, Olympic hopefuls, and Olympians.
In This Episode We Discuss:
What experience in his journey impacted him the most, and Why.
Biggest mistake he has made and how he learned from it.
How he blends Weightlifting with Powerlifting.
Why his kids are so strong.
How he has planted a flag and attracted some of the best in the world to come to him.
Best piece of coaching advice he has ever received.
His favorite quote, Book/App/Website recommendation.
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