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IGCT Episode #224: Kevin Vanderbush- "Do Simple Things Well"

Writer's picture: Ron McKeeferyRon McKeefery


Coach Vanderbush is in his 34th year as the strength and conditioning coach for all sports at Ben Davis High School. He teaches advanced weight training, which is a class that involves both strength training and athletic enhancement activities. He has received his Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) credentials through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and is a Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach – Emeritus (RSCC*E). He is also the Co-Founder of the National High School Strength Coaches Association (NHSSCA). The Ben Davis strength program has been visited by over 350 different high schools from the Midwest including coaches from Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Iowa, and throughout Indiana.

Coach Vanderbush has received four different national awards: • 2008 American Football Monthly’s Samson High School Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year • 2007 – NSCA – High School Strength & Conditioning Coach of the Year Award • 2003 – AFLAC – National Assistant Coach of the Year Award • 2001 – Professional Football Strength and Conditioning Coaches Society – National High School Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Award

Ben Davis High School was listed 21st in Sports Illustrated Top 25 Sports High Schools in America in 2005. Since 1984 they have had twenty-two state championship teams in six different sports, as well as having been named National Champions in both Football and Girls Basketball. The football program has averaged over ten wins a year for the past thirty years and has won eight state championships. Two former BD athletes have gone on to win Super Bowl rings and a former soccer player has won World Cup and Olympic gold medals. Coach Vanderbush has been a regular presenter at conferences across the country and enjoys sharing what he has picked up over the years with other high school strength coaches. He is a strong believer that there are many “right” ways to train the high school athlete, and feels that strength and conditioning is a great platform to mentor, counsel and advise students at a very impressionable time in their life.


In This Episode We Discuss:

  • What experience in his journey impacted him the most, and Why.

  • Biggest mistake he has made and how he learned from it.

  • What needs to happen for their to be a S&C at every high school.

  • Unique challenges of working with high school athletes.

  • The NHSSCA's mission and purpose.

  • Best piece of coaching advice he has ever received.

  • His favorite quote, Book/App/Website recommendation.

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May 21, 2024

Хочеться вираказати свою до вашої тематики, та до того, що ви тут підіймаєте дійсно важливі теми для обговорення. Така справа дійсно важлива та потрібна для всіх нас, так само як і новини, котрі супроводжують нас протягом усього дня та допомагають бути в курсі подій. Завдяки новинному порталу, я можу без усіляких проблем бути в крусі подій, таким чином я дізнався про те, що очікувати від халвінгу та який буде курс біткоїну цієї весни, що дуже круто, бо тематика насправді досить таки складна та багатогранна. Що хочеться також додати, так це той факт, що з їх допомогою, я тепер можу не перейматися з приводу того, де саме мені читати новини, бо саме завдяки їх роботі, я постійно перебувати в…

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